How to do a zero-carb (carnivorous) diet correctly
1. Eat enough protein for making glucose (gluconeogenesis).· At least 0.7g/lb ideal weight (105g+ for 150lb).2. Glutathione is the body’s natural anti-oxidant, and is made from protein,...
View ArticleMostly Meat: A Manifesto
One thing that really annoys me in the diet world (diet, not nutrition) is all the false dilemmas: there’s a lot of black and white thinking. Vegans are particularly good at this, to them a...
View ArticleCurrent Diet
Food:PlentyInfrequently!NO!Fatty meat, fish, eggsRaw/fermented A2 dairyGrains, legumes, nuts/seedsBone broth, fermented vegDairy fats, root vegProcessed foodsHerbs & spicesTubers, rice,...
View ArticleHow To Do A Zero-Carb (Carnivorous) Diet Correctly, Part 2: An Example Menu...
I have created an example menu following the principles laid out in the previous post to show that the nutrition is sound as compared to the ‘steak and water’ diet of which zero-carbers seem to be...
View ArticleNutritionally Perfect Carnivorous Diet
Average Daily Amounts:15oz lamb/beef, ~17% fat+ 3tbsp tallow (or 465g 24% fat beef/lamb)3oz mackerel (or 4oz salmon)55g lean pork3 large eggs (save the shells for broth)2oz chicken liver2oz pork...
View ArticlePosts I'm Planning
I haven't posted in a while due to both my PC and laptop breaking. My laptop now works and some of the posts I was writing have been retrieved from my portable hard-drive, but most are stuck on my PC...
View ArticleMucous not glucose deficiency
I mentioned briefly in my first post on principles of a healthy carnivore diet that mucin is important and which amino acids are needed to ensure proper production, but I didn't go into a lot of detail...
View ArticleDetox, Antioxidants, and Scurvy: Protein Beats Plants
This blog post is an updated and slightly edited version of on of my 'facebook essays', which were comments written as normal comments in facebook but ended up being really long and more like essays....
View ArticleNutrient Needs On A Carnivorous Diet
To create my last carnivorous diet, I used the USDA RDA as targets for the nutrients. The USDA RDA is based on the nutrient requirements on a high-carb, grain-based diet, and the nutrient requirements...
View ArticleBlocking People With Whom You Disagree Is More Than Pathetic
Today on facebook a member of the zero carb community posted to their wall a video (link), saying that the wolves didn't eat the organs, just the meat and fat. When my good friend Danny Albers and I...
View ArticleZC community Versus Evidence: Who Can We Trust More?
My biggest disagreement with the zero carb community, or rather specifically with it's leader, who say that we are somehow different from all other carnivorousness animals that get very ill if not fed...
View ArticleHomocysteine and Glutathione Nutrients
Folate, choline, B6, and B12All these nutrients are part of the homocysteine cycle. High blood levels of homocysteine are dangerous and greatly increase your risk of heart disease. Homocysteine can be...
View ArticleEvolutionary Trade-Offs: Fast Versus Famine
This is a sister post to Primal North's "Keto Adaptation vs Low Carb Limbo".Gluconeogenesis (GNG) is a big topic in ketogenic dieting, and most people think it means eating too much protein knocks you...
View ArticleFurther Implications of Lowered Gluconeogenesis: Vitamin C Synthesis
This is a follow up post to "Evolutionary Trade-Offs: Fast Versus Famine" and "Detox, Antioxidants, and Scurvy: Protein Beats Plants".We already looked at how we manage without the ability to...
View ArticleFat Soluble Nutrients
Vitamin A:The best source of knowledge on vitamin A seems to be the Weston A Price Foundation, which recommends at least 10,000IU for all adults (double that for pregnant/lactating women, half that for...
View ArticleHow little vitamin A is enough?
There have been many discussions between me and the zero carb community as to how much vitamin A is needed to avoid deficiency, they maintain that fatty muscle meat has enough to prevent deficiency and...
View ArticleCalcium
Sources other than dairy:Small bones: fish (sardines, etc), eaten with the fish or as broth.Big bones: beef/lamb/pork/chicken/etc, as broth.Eggshells, as broth.Green leafy vegetables: darker the...
View ArticleProtein Propaganda Pisses Me Off
There are a lot of pictures going round on various social media sites and elsewhere showing examples of 'protein-rich foods', and quite simply this pictures are outright lies! They are misleading, and...
View ArticlePhytic Acid Nutrients
Absorption:MineralAbsorption factor by removing / lowering phytic acidAverageRDACalciumx1.3, x1.2 1.251,000 --> 800mg(WAPF: 680 --> 544mg)Magnesiumx2.52.5420 --> 168mgZinchigh/no: x6.2, x4.8;...
View ArticleWhat can we learn from breast milk? Part 1: Macronutrients
Warning: post contains maths!Breast milk is 1% protein, 6.9% carbohydrate and 4.4% fat by weight, or 5.6% protein, 38.8% carbohydrate and 55.6% fat by calories. It is low in protein and high in both...
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